Thursday, December 2, 2010

The Tragedy of Julius Caesar: Language

Language is a powerful weapon, and in the hands of a skilled person, it can be used to manipulate others. Provide support for your answer.


  1. Hitler. What did Hitler do? He persuaded millions of people with his words and with that the Holocaust was born. Language is just as powerful has a gun in the hands of the skilled person, with language they can brainwash and manipulate any person into doing what they want.

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  3. I do agree with this. Not only in this tradgety has this occurance happened. In our society and the history of our country has this happened. Every time an election happens, we are persuaded by the promises and the voices of those whose words are no more than that of my own. Hitler was no better than the begger on the street, but yet he convenced Germany that his plans for the "goodness" of the country was to start a war that would leave the weak, weaker. In all reality nothing more than a good vocabulary and the structure of your thoughts, can get you a head in life.

  4. And everyone knows how easily munipulated the human mind is. Thus, thats what we strive to do, is feed the hungry minds with the empty promises that will help them in the long run. Life is about who can get ahead, and if showing the society the utopia they all imagine, can give you that peace of mind that we all strive for.

  5. I completley agree with this statement. An outstanding vocabulary, and a fairly decent train of thought can persuade usually anybody because of the fact that our minds are pretty manipulative. Language can definetly be a factor in manipulation towards anybody though. If you have a skilled person suggesting or provoking new ideas they believe are for the better and they actually sound like they know what they're talking about, then most anybody will agree and follow in their footsteps.

  6. I agree completely with Courtney. The human mind is rather easily persuaded. Not only did Hitler manipulate Germany with his words but George W. Bush also persuaded us with his. Think about it we have been in a war for what nine years now? It hasn't even been declared a war yet but our young men and women go fight because they think it will keep terrorists out and is for the welfare of the united states. Bush used his words in order to persuade us that Muslims are bad but most of them aren't. We all just see and hear what we want to. Most political figures will tell you lies that most everyone will agree with so they can get elected. Like Obama said "Yes we can". It was all about how he could help us change the way things are. So far that hasn't really happened. Anyone can take good words and use them to manipulate anyone especially those who do see the best in people.

  7. This statement is so true! Language is so incredibly easy to twist around and shape into intricate truths and lies. And because of its ability to transform so effortlessly, society tends to believe such persuasions without so much as a second thought. Why, beginning in middle school, students are taught to write persuasive essays to convince the others to share their beliefs. Are they being loaded with ammunition for future wars? How will they use it in future wars? If they follow the example of manipulative Cassius, it will not take long until the war turns violent.

    (I'm the 1st period Emily, by the way!)

  8. I agree with this statement somewhat. Anybody can control others with only using words, but it depends on the kind of people. Gullible people will believe anything an educated person tells them, but most people will fight for what they believe in, and wont believe what anybody tells them.

  9. Language has been manipulated by everyone in the world at one time or another. It can be twisted so many times that the true meaning is completely gone. Those that are skilled in language can do this and make listeners believe that the speaker cares and knows more than they do.

  10. If a person is educated, they can persuade most people to trust them and follow in their ways. They will not have to threaten people to get them to follow them; they simply have to use words to convince people. A person with persuading skills can be as dangerous as someone with a weapon. Hitler is probably the greatest known dictator who used words to convince people until he had enough power to use force. Anyone has acess to language and can use it to manipulate people at any time.

  11. As human beings, we all want things to happen in our world and in our country. Many of us share the same desires. When charismatic people come around, or for that matter someone who is just good with words, you want to listen to what they're saying. Why? They're playing on those common wants and desires of our hearts we have and have had since we were young. They tell us things like they'll fix the economy and that if you get rid of a whole people group, the world will be much better. They take our wants just to get what they desire, and because our wants have been instilled in us for so long and are sometimes so powerful, we're willing to listen to anyone who might be able to come up with the power to do it.

  12. I disagree with this statement. Just because someone is "skilled" and can use language as a weapon doesn't mean that they can manipulate them. Yes i will agree that there has been greatly known dictators that have manipulated people into believing what they believe ,but those people were so scared of those dictators that those dictators hardly had to say anything to get their way. There's one thing that needs to be made clear. Is it physical or verbal language. If someone has physically hurt someone then yes they are going to easily be able to manipulate the person they physically hurt. I do agree that sometimes people are tricked and believe what someone says to them ,but I don't believe that someone able to use strong words has the ability to manipulate someone that much.

  13. I agree with this statement. It real easy for some to believe the false words a great speaker promises. Hitler is a great example of this for he changed the views of a whole country, making them believe they were superior to all other races. He made them believe they should conquer Europe for they deserved it. And what resulted? A genocide of a religious group because they are different and one of the costliest and bloodiest wars ever fought.

  14. The persuading skill is quite easy to learn. If you simply look around, you have meet someone who has persuaded you into something. For example, sales people have to possess that skill in order to sell their products. They may not be persuading you into something sinister like Charles Manson did with his "family members" But is it really ethical to use persuasion at all or maybe it's just another part of human nature?

  15. Language is a very powerful weapon. Alot of people will believe what they hear because it appeals to them, therefor they accept the idea. Language can be used in many different scenarios like getting out of trouble and getting what you want. Benjamin Lee Whorf said that "Language shapes the way we think, and determines what we can think about." Language is one of the most powerful weapons because it can "bend" people in such a way where they would do something that they would of never of done, but the way the speaker said it made it appeal to them and now seem like a good thing when it's really not.

  16. The first thought that came to my mind when I read the statement was how things are said but not so easily done and how people believe almost anything they hear. I strongly agree with in the hands of a skilled person language can be used to manipulate others. People choose who they listen to and believe. For language to be manipulative it has to come from someone of great authority, someone that is well known, or atleast someone that can back themselves up well. Language is not going to be manipulative coming from some random person on the street. But yes, I completely agree with the statement. For language to be manipulative it has to come from a very skilled person.

  17. I agree with Darian. Hitler was an extremely skilled person. And by using his words of blaming Jews for the common problems in Germany he brainwashed millions of people. In the end it was simple to manipulate the Germans into thinking that all there problems were because of Jews. All he used were powerful,remarkable words.

  18. Darian beat me to the punch, that was the first thing I thought of! Words are very powerfull. Many people move to the united states to have a freedom of speech. To get up and leave your home for rights of speech says volumes. Words are worth more than most would think, everyday we are persuaded by words. Most forms of bullying are verbal as aposed to physical.

    People have a freedom of speech in America so basically they can say what they want, sometimes. I believe that people believe what they want to hear and that people can be persuaded by words to do things.

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  21. Once something is said, you can't take it back. There's never a second chance for an opinion that's already formed the first time.
    Most people thrive on attention and are self-centered, no matter how much effort is put into going against their nature. Being weakened by flattery is probably the most frequently occuring way of manipulation. Your giving people what they want (your time)and telling them what they want to hear.
    You can twist words anyway you want and come out implying one thing, while masking another meaning. ex: That purple shirt in the store looks 'so-so' on your friend but looks 'freakin awesome' on you, but you don't have the cash to buy it, while your friend does. So what happens next? You flatter your friend by talking to her, telling her she looks amazing in it. By talking, you are manipulating said friend into buying the shirt, which you can just borrow out of her closet tomorrow.
    See what I mean?
    We all use language to communicate. Its the simplist way to get something done. What you want to get done is all you; how you get it done is all in the language.

  22. Language is perhaps a more powerful tool than physical ability. For example, a lawyer wins his case by using words, not actions. He may know his side is guilty, but with powerful verbal gestures, their side can get what they want. The mind can play powerful tricks on others. Sometimes these tricks are used for good. Other times they can be used to manipulate and destroy.

  23. I completely agree with this comment because if one person says something to you, you might not agree until someone puts it another way. That person would be skilled with words. Everyone has a freedom of speech but you decide if you believe it or not. It would be easy to believe something that came out of a person you look up to rather than someone you don't. People can also get you to do something by just them telling and you believing them. That is how word can be very powerful.

  24. Hallelujah!
    Speech is the most powerful thing used in the world today. Persuasion is key. People with a strong vocabulary and a way with words create a good image for themselves while those who talk with incorrect grammar and studder do not. a powerful speaker such as Martin Luther King Jr. is a great example of a good speaker.

  25. I agree with this statement. Being able to persuade is a very powerful tool. Only some know how to use it in an efficient way, and those that do can manipulate others. Whether it is for the good, or the bad.

  26. Speech is by far the most powerful thing used today. It is all based upon how you use it. People who do not know how to use words or a strong vocabulary will not be able to manipulate others.

  27. Words can absolutely convince people. When The War of the Worlds was broadcast in 1953, many people who heard it thought that it was really happening, not that it was a story. Words can carry rumors, start fights, break hearts, even end lives. Language is powerful.

  28. I agree with this statement as well. If your know what your talking about you can get people to think exactly like you want them too. Like someone else mention when elections come policticians try to persuaed us to vote for them. So yes words are extremely powerful and can definitely be used to manipulate people.

  29. I tend to agree with this statement above. With anyone that is quite intelligent and skilled, language could be lethal and misleading. With this being said, humans due to their desire of satisfaction, use it to manipulate others for their own benefits/satisfaction. One may say something to someone else knowing it will appeal to them just to get that person to do/think a certain way/thing. But trying to persuade or trick a different person may require a different tactic. This is perfected by many of the skilled and intelligent people. However, when there are a few skilled people opposing one another, this could be chaotic. Too many lies or tricks that mislead others that will eventually turn out for the worst. That is unless any of them come clean with it. Regardless the situation, language is truly a major weapon for manipulation. Whether it is used for chaos or peace is up to the wielder of this weapon.

  30. I can agree with this statement. There are people who are more intelligent than others and who may decide to use it as a weapon for their own selfish desires. More knowledge and more skills in language is an advantage. You could easily persuade someone without them realizing what your actual intentions are. Sometimes it can be taken too far and cause serious conflicts like Hitler. Other times it could be used to impact the world, such as how Martin Luther King Jr did. In his speeches he got people to listen to his views and agree with him, which later changed how people were treated. Language is very powerful in whatever use you make of it.

  31. That statement is indefinitely true! Many people are masters at twisting words and phrases to portray anything they want a person to see, while knowing exactly what they're doing. Language has cause thousands upon thousands of deaths. Just take a look at Adolf Hitler and what his speeches amounted to. He brain washed innocent, noble people into thinking there was a "supreme race". He used language to gain control and power over the country looking for a leader. Language is sometimes more believable than facts if presented the right way.

  32. I agree. Some people exploit others extremely easily by telling them what they want to hear. In Julius Caesar, Cassius sucks up big time to Brutus in order to get him to join their cause, and it worked like a charm. Some people are so naive that the'll believe anything they're told. Speech can be a dangerous weapon. Take 1930's Germany for example. The people were poor and angry at an inefficient government. They wanted change so badly, they would believe anything they were told. Then along came Hitler, who was good with words. He told the germans everything they wanted to hear, and they were so desperate that they believed him, and followed him to the end. Language is a powerful manipulator.

  33. I do think that language is a human's greatest power. Without communication, we would be nothing and if a human can manipulate it to benefit it to his or her self, then they are one that is heading down a path of leadership, whether it is good, or bad. My entire family is car salesman and a lot of people say Durhams can sell ice cubes to an igloo. This is because my family has the ability to make even the huge undertaking of buying a car, unstressful and they have truly mastered the art of persuasion, as did many characters in Julius Caesar, only, they used their power to do wrong and deceive. In correspondence with this statement, I do agree completely.

  34. I do agree with this statement. Manipulation by using language happen a lot in Julius Caesar. For example, when Calpurnia told Caesar about her dream and begged him to stay home, Decius immediately said that it was a good omen, it predicted that the Romans will drink Caesar's reviving blood. What we say, our words, can be a big impact to ourselves and others around us. Thus whatever we think, whatever we want and going to say, we all have to be careful.

  35. I agree strongly about this if you don't think carefully about what you say there may be many conflicts and consequences that may come to you. the saying goes "think before you speak" you should really understand the other person's perspective and how they might take things you should think before you speak or don't speak at all is my motto

  36. i agree with this statement as well. because you can deffenitly manipulate other with words. you just have to choose your words wisely. anyone who is gullible can believe anybody you just have to be careful of what you say.
